Eco-drain pipes are not solid wall pipes but have a unique wall structure i.e. with a number of “holes” in the wall thickness in longitudinal direction. As a result, the eco-drain pipes are noticeably lighter and less expensive than any existing PVC pipe of similar stiffness and many times lighter than a concrete pipe, with equivalent load carrying capacity. Because of numerous advantages these pipes are widely accepted and used in several European countries. These pipes are available in 110mm to 315mm sizes and meet the requirements of International Standards, (comply to IS -15328) and have equivalent stiffness and flexibility in combination with a weight reduction from 10% to 35%, depending on size. These pipes are interchangeable with solid wall pipes and are compatible with regular PVC fittings. They are made available in different stiffness classes. In addition to UPVC pipes, PE pipes in 63 to 400 mm as per IS 14333 are also available.
